TLC’s Salsa Zoom Caliente
8:30 pm - 10:30 pm
TLC Studio

TLC’s Salsa Zoom Caliente
Join us again for a fantastically crazy, fun-packed Salsa party on Zoom!
You can either click this link or copy this to your browser:
Or If you have the Zoom app, just enter these details:
Meeting ID: 867 8813 9364
Password: 206931
Please ensure your full name is correct when you enter the meeting ID so we know who’s in the ‘house’
If in doubt, you can test the connection anytime between 12-2pm and if required Tracie can guide you through the functionality of Zoom.
It was so good to see everyone again last time, connecting and having such a giggle online. At the end people didn’t want to leave!
8.30pm Mini class learning footwork
8.45pm Music / lines / chat / mini quiz and much more
10.30pm After party!
The quiz is completely fun and NOT general knowledge, so don’t panic!
Everyone welcome – and if you are having a birthday sometime soon, please tell us and we can all celebrate it together online.
If you are new to Zoom then you can test your connection on the afternoon of the same day as the event – I will be around to help and guide you from midday – 2pm
Entrance – is free – however any support you can give is always very welcome and much appreciated.
It’s not obligatory, but if you do wish to support, please follow this link and thank you in advance.
Zoom details are above.
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