Wednesday Tango Classes with Mabel
Mabel's Advanced Tango class
8:00 pm - 10:30 pm
TLC Studio

For those with at least 2 year’s regular experience of Argentine Tango, our Level 4 classes are held with Tracie and guest teachers, where you can drop-in on a weekly basis.
Mabel Rivero is an exceptional and inspirational teacher, sharing with you new ways of enjoying the dance, connecting with your partner, feeling the music and how to share a wonderful moment.
They are hugely popular classes and the more experienced dancers can attend both on Tuesday and Wednesday, 27/28 August:
Wednesday 28 August – open Advanced class – no booking required:
7.30 Arrival / registration / dancing
8pm Level 3 & 4 with Mabel
9.30 Practice dancing
10.30 Close
Entrance £12 for Mabel’s class
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