LOL – that was one ‘L’ of a night!! Big thanks to Trevor Sweetlead ‘Label’ Layne and Lucky Heidi Ford for an amazing Advanced class and to all you Lovely ‘L’ Party people!! DJ Lifeguard Marcus Groves kept us dancing right to the end with a superb set and the last track was the all time classic ‘Lady’ of course!! Talking of which … the stars of the night were our ‘Ladies’ James Mulhall, Alex Pearson and Gareth Deats… who entertained us all night with their female antics – but as Gareth and Alex are on the TLC team, there was only one clear winner – yes James Mullhall for his Lady Gaga outfit, complete with false eyelashes, lipstick in pants and wonderfully painted nails!
St. Barnabas Hall, Lodge Road, Southampton, SO14 6RF, UK - Contact: 07889 288 368